Become a sponsor
Interested in making a donation?
Business, Group and Individual Monetary Donations are accepted via PayPal or Check. In-Kind Donations are also accepted.
Proceeds from this event support the Long Beach CERT Program through: Friends of the Long Beach Firefighters, a 501(c) 3 Non-Profit organization. EIN:93-1223990
By making a donation, your company will support increased outreach efforts through education while enhancing readiness through the procurement of equipment and other initiatives that support this mission.
CERT and the Ready Long Beach team wishes to thank all of our sponsors for their monetary and in-kind donations.
Your assistance makes this event possible to provide the greater community with the knowledge and practices that will aid in over-all safety for everyone.
Some of our sponsors include: Port of Long Beach, Long Beach Transit, Long Beach Airport, Long Beach Police Department, Long Beach Health and Human Services, Long Beach Water Department, Tesoro Foundation, CSU, Long Beach, and Long Beach Disaster Preparedness.